“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
Dear friend, 

Humble brag. 

One of the greatest gifts of running a magic company is the people get to meet and socialize with. 

Since starting The Daily Magician we’ve got to spend time with our heroes, magicians such as:

Danny Goldsmith

Pit Hartling

Andi Gladwin

Andrew Frost

Zee J. Yan

Ollie Mealing

Roberto Giobbi

Christian Grace

Jason Ladanye

Steven Bridges and more…

All of these amazing people have shaped us in ways we couldn’t even imagine two years ago.

It’s our greatest honor to call many of them our closest friends, and our careers and magic have accelerated in unimaginable ways - just from being around such huge successes.

We truly believe the choice of who you spend your time with, is one of the most important things in life.

As the saying goes:

“You're the average of the five people spend the most time with,”

Now you’re probably thinking:

“Wow thanks guys, really enjoyed reading about how great your friendship group is… how does this help me in ANY way?”

Well, we’ve been brainstorming and we think we’ve found an ingenious way to enable you to have the very same benefits as we have.

Now obviously we can’t introduce you personally to all these people (as much as we want to) but what we’ve come up with might just be the next best thing.

See, we run a podcast named 'Of Sleights and Men.'
And usually, after we’ve finished the main recording, we get into a section that’s truly ‘buyers ears only.’

When we tell the artists, these segments are going to be hidden behind a paywall, the most miraculous thing happens:

The true secrets come out.

(there’s some stuff we simply can’t make public knowledge…)

Over the years, we’ve collected HOURS of these bonus recordings, and slowly but surely created a product we call:

The Daily Magician Tapes

The Daily Magician tapes are a chance for you to truly enter the ‘backroom’ of the most famous magicians in the world, and learn what they have to say behind closed doors.

You, like us, will be completely surrounded by the best concepts, and highest thinking in magic.

(this is as close to truly meeting them as we can get you…)

This collection of audio training currently features 30+ world-class magicians.

Here are just a few of the things you’ll be privy to:

What Roberto Giobbi has learned from his library of over 3,500 titles in 17 languages and 30 YARDS of magazines.

How Harapan Ong wrote one of the best magic books ever!

The reason Denis Behr tells people NOT to use the memorized deck (he's only half-joking here)

How Jeff Copeland ended up practicing magic for 8 hours a day (and why you DON’T have to do the exact same…)

Our most hard-won discoveries on staying motivated to practice magic (and why ‘motivation’ itself is the WRONG thing to focus on)

The one misdirection tool most magicians don’t use enough (that will also make you a better person)

An essay written by Eric Jones that Danny Goldsmith recommends every magician read

Dr. Rubinstien on how to make your moves and patter ‘line up’ (this concept seems simple, but it’s incredibly profound)

Jason Ladanye’s TOP 5 magic books (plus a few books he couldn’t help mentioning because they were ‘must reads’)

Plus, as a special bonus, we’re also including…

BONUS: Jacob and Benji’s ‘Billion-Dollar Brainstorms’

This is a collection of audio training produced by yours truly, that features…

How to make your audience ‘lean in’ during your performance (a tip Christopher Nolan executes nearly every single time he starts his films)

Why performing your best material during the middle of your show can be a BAD idea

Why even magicians performing for paying audiences should treat their routines like they’re performing strolling magic (this mindset shift is a great way to really respect your audience)

The one thing magicians take for granted (that is actually, when you think about it, the whole POINT of magic!)

Two things you never want to do when performing magic (even if you successfully avoid one of these, the other one can scupper you—you need BOTH)

Why we’d always take a worn, stained, 20-year-old deck, only ever used for messy poker games over Virtuous any day of the week (and why you should too!)

The Marketing Truism that almost all magicians CHOOSE to forget, but always ends up biting them in the butt.

Why letting your audience decide which effects you perform is ALWAYS the best option.

Now that you know what you’re getting today - you should know this.

This wealth of audio training grows EVERY WEEK.

So, you’re not just buying our current recordings - but securing a LIFETIME PASS to all future training.
Every time we have a new guest on the podcast, or sit down to record something with a friend - we add it to The Daily Magician Tapes.

So when you buy today - you’re not just buying what we’ve already made, but everything we EVER record going forwards.

(at no extra cost to you)

And speaking of cost…

This is not a static product—it’s constantly evolving and growing with new additions to the collection.

And that makes it very difficult to price.

With such incredible guests such as Andi Gladwin, Roberto Giobbi, and Dr. Rubinstein…

...you could say the knowledge held in ‘The Daily Magician Tapes’ is priceless.

However, when we say ‘priceless’, don’t worry.

We’re not going to start charging you millions for this.

Quite the opposite…


We’re only going to charge you as much as you want to pay!

Now we’re no big business (trust us) but we still have to eat and you know… have a bed to sleep in and stuff.

So we can’t make all our products COMPLETELY free (even if sometimes we want to.)

But—YOU choose the price.

This way, no matter how large the collection of tapes grows, we’ll never have to fuss around with the price.

Because YOU’RE in control.

Now, due to transaction fees, we can’t make the tapes any less than $0.50…

But if $0.50 is all you want to pay for them, please do so.

If you see them as being worth more than that and want to support The Daily Magician team—then go ahead and pay as much as you are willing.

To summarize:

We want ALL magicians to have access to these tapes

We want ALL magicians to be able to afford them.

So please contribute as much or as little as you want when purchasing your copy of the Daily Magician Tapes, and do enjoy the WEALTH of knowledge found within.

Furthermore, you're protected by a LIFETIME money-back guarantee.

If you don't get immediate value out of these tapes:

Send an email to support@thedailymagician.com and we'll refund you in full - no questions asked.

So what are you waiting for?

To get hours of training, currently featuring 30+ professional artists - buy below…

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The Daily Magician Tapes$0.50

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Daily Magician Tapes$0.50

All prices in USD

Jonah Babins
Host of 'Discourse in Magic' and World Class Magician

“Rock and Roll, this is awesome, you guys are awesome, and anyone who's part of this...you're extra wicked”

Rodrigo Espinoza
Magician and Fan

"I didn't like podcast magic before, but I bought your audios and I loved them especially the Andi Gladwin one, about perseverance and alike."

Roberto Giobbi
Card Magic's Most Distinguished Author.

“You must have very intelligent listeners… I hope to talk at a convention some time”

Andi Gladwin
World Class Magician and Co-Founder of Vanishing Inc.

“I hope we'll stay in touch... great talking to you both”